Coding Adventure c++
Game Showcase
Coding Adventure c++
C++, Visual Studio
Series of videos where I show how to program from basics to advanced areas.
Development Duration
Not specified, one video takes about 10-20minutes to create and then upload.
Development Log
I always thought what would be good way to show what I can do, I thought that creating a tutorial like video is good concept to show what I can do and maybe help others who come across this video.
I release video on frequent occasions, each time showcasing something new that was not previously covered..
The great thing about these series is that I learn as I do the videos, by reading and fully understanding what the code means.
There is no end time for this as I plan to continue this for as long as possible or as long as I can find areas I can study about.
The playlist to all videos can be accessed via link provided above..
This project helps me understand the code on more technical side as I have to know how to verbally explain it.