Application Showcase

<img src=” Application Image <img src=” Application Image <img src=” Application Image



Discord Bot


Visual Studio 2019, Java


Discord is a free video, voice and text application used commonly for gaming. Discord bots are custom applications that help manage a discord server hosted by individual.

Development Duration

2-3 weeks.

Development Log

The aim of this project was to learn something new so I decided to make an application for a change and use language I am less familiar with which is Java unlike usual c#. The development at first was rather slow as I had to learn everything on how bots work. Prior to this experience I did not know how async functions work or what they are so it took me some research to learn. When development started off I realised that aside from new elements this is very similar style of programming to my previous experiences so making new features proved to be simpler task than originally anticipated.
</br> The bot contained following features:
  • Permanent/timed bans, mutes and kicks
  • Log tracker(tracks deleted/modified messages)/li>
  • Report system (ability to anonymously report another user to hidden channel)
  • Strike system(warning user and keeping track of total warns and reasons, worked with bans/mutes and kicks system
  • Mini games custom server currency(database to track currency)
  • Dice roll mini game to earn or lose currency
  • Welcome messages for new members, bot help tools and random funny messages from bot
  • </ul> </p>