Game Showcase



Animal Simulator


Unity Engine 2019, Visual Studio C#


The aim of this project was to pick one of 5 available topics and develop new and strong skills in that topic area. My chosen topic was Artificial Intelligence and pathfinding. The game created to fit this assignment was a animal simulator game in Unity Engine.

Development Duration

12 weeks (One Trimester)

Development Log

I knew that I did not want to make a game to showcase AI or pathfinding rather to make something that happens on its own like a simulation. So my aim was to make simulation of wild life in forest. Due to time constrains on assignment I only managed to implement one animal but nonetheless all core features were implemented successfully. The animal would seek food water and potential partner to made and would sleep when necessary. All actions as well as their heritage would get passed down and saved to then visually analyse data gathered.
</br> I learned how to implement algorithms into code as well as new different techniques of handling AI within my programs.
