Game Showcase



Descent Journey In the Dark


Unity Engine 2017, Visual Studio C#


Work in groups of up to 4 people to create a video game version of the board game Descent Journey in the Dark. This was part of Software Design and Implementation Module during semester 1 year 2 at University.

Development Duration

12 weeks, semester 1 of year 2

Development Log

The game started of with a very rough start. After forming the group the communication with the team was trouble some. I set up trello as well unity collab to get everything going but within the first 2 weeks all members of my group left University leaving me alone to work on this group project.
</br> With all groups being already set up I was to do it on my own so I took the task up. I due to me being limited with time I had to simplify a lot of mechanics for this game. For instance originally the game was meant to feature system where player clicks with mouse to move on board this was replaced with simpler wasd controls.
</br> The game ultimately met all criteria and worked well. This was truly challenging as I had to work fast and focus on making sure everything I do works well from start.
</br> The major bug testing was all done on last day but luckily there were no bugs that would break the game. Ideally if there was more time the game could have had missing mechanics as well bit more time to polish out the tutorial and some minor bugs that existed within the game.
</br> The assets for this game were assets made by me and other students for different modules. They were only used to have some form of visual representation that is not a cube.